Nitros (Nitrous Oxide), also known as laughing gas, is a colorless, sweet gas, an oxidant, chemical formula N2O, which can support combustion under certain conditions (same as oxygen, because laughing gas can be decomposed into nitrogen at high temperatures and Oxygen), but stable at room temperature, has a slight anesthetic effect, and can make people laugh. Its anesthetic effect was discovered in 1799 by the British chemist Humphrey David. The theory holds that N2O has a similar structure (including electronic) to CO2 molecules, and its spatial configuration is linear, and N2O is a polar molecule. In August 2009, a new study in the United States showed that this colorless and sweet gas has become the primary ozone-depleting substance for human emissions.
This gas was discovered by Joseph Priestley in 1772. Humphrey David himself and his friends, including the poets Coleridge and Robert Sausset, tested the gas in the 1960s. They found that nitrous oxide can make patients lose their pain, and they can still remain conscious after inhalation and will not be confused. Not long after, laughter was used as an anesthetic, especially in the field of dentists. Because the dentist usually has no full-time anesthesiologist, and the patient often needs to stay awake during the treatment, and can make oral reactions according to the order, the gas is very convenient for the dentist.
The main purpose:
Medical industry:
Inhalation of pure gas can quickly cause anesthesia and suffocation, so it must be mixed with oxygen. The induction time is short. If you do not supplement the maintenance dose, you can quickly wake up. This product is packed in high pressure resistant steel cylinders. 75% of nitrous oxide is mixed with 25% of oxygen, and is given through a mask for 2-3 minutes, and then halothane is added to achieve a concentration of 3% in a mixed gas of nitrous oxide and oxygen until an anesthetic sign such as mandibular relaxation occurs.
一Nitrous oxide can be used as a rocket oxidant. This is superior to other oxidants because it is non-toxic, stable at room temperature, easy to store and relatively safe to fly. The second benefit is that it can be easily broken down into breathing air.
The main application in the electronics industry is chemical vapor deposition (CVD), which together with silane forms a silicon nitride film.